Our Pre-Qualification Process

Looking to secure a mortgage in Calgary? Look no further than Mortgages for Less at Axiom Mortgage Solutions. Our pre-qualifying service ensures that you enter your home buyer journey with confidence.

How Our Pre-Qualification Works

We strive to make getting a mortgage as easy and pain free as possible. As a past client once told us, “that was as easy as getting a car loan!” Get pre-qualified today, and avoid any surprises down the road.



mortgage for less will let you know what you can afford




Examine Your Financials Documents

The First step of any pre-qualification is to review your income, assets, and liabilities. We will ask for actual numbers of your pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements.


Credit Counseling

While not 100% necessary, we will usually look at your credit score. We don’t want any surprises with your credit once you’ve started making house offers. If you score isn’t where it needs to be, we can offer advice on the most expedient ways to get it where it needs to be.

mortgage for less will let you know what you can afford

Calculating your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your Debt-to-income (DTI) is a crucial ratio to calculate and understand. Its the ratio of your montly debts (car payment, credit card payments, and other obligations) divided by your monthly income. Lenders have strict guidelines when it comes to how high of a ratio they will allow.


And Your’e Prequalified!

At the end of the process we will provide you with a solid number that we can confidently qualify you for. This number takes into account your down payment amount, your DTI, loan term, and the current interest rates available to us. You can take this pre-qualification to any realtor and they can help you start shopping!

Take Your Pre-Qualification And Start Shopping

Mortgages for Less doesn’t mess around. We are going to take the time to ask straight forward questions. We aren’t just running you through an online calculator, but actually taking the time to get to know your situation. You can be confident that when we are done talking that you will have an accurate amount that you can qualify for.


15 Minutes of your time.


Done Securely through our encrypted website


Your Pre-qualification won't change*

*This assumes your income, debt, and available interest rates remain consistent
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